One night I talked with the Monday night laughers about LY t-shirts that I had seen and would come from overseas. The laughers talked about having our own t-shirts instead…and here they are.

You can see myself and other lovely laughter models showing you come of the t-shirt designs and colours. I’ve also included the other designs we’ve created.  A fellow laugher Fiona who is a design whizz, has helped me with the t-shirts. Check out

You can view and buy the t-shirts from PrintMighty. There are many different styles, colours and images to chose from and if you want a combination that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll set it up for you.

People from Laughter Yoga Upper Hutt modelling the Laughter Yoga t-shirts
UH Laughers - myself, Nicole, Sharyn and Sandra
Laughter Yoga with Clare t-shirt design
Laughter Yoga with Clare t-shirt design
Laughter Yoga with Clare t-shirt design
Laughter Yoga with Clare t-shirt design
Laughter Yoga with Clare t-shirt design
Laughter Yoga with Clare t-shirt design
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