Laughter Yoga is soooo good for your mental and physcial wellbeing…
If you’d like me to come and run a Laughter Yoga session for your business, school, retirement home or any group…
The cost for profit/organisations is $5-$10 per person for a 30, 45 or 60 minute session.
The cost for ‘not-for-profit’ organisations is a donation for a 30,45 or 60 minute session.
Contact me and we can work out the details.
When you’ve experienced the benefits of Laughter Yoga for yourself or for some of your group…let’s talk about me running a regular Laughter Yoga session for you or someone from your group can do the Laughter Yoga Leader Training and then they can run the regular sessions.
Sign up to “A Little Laughter In Your Inbox” and receive a laughter exercise and information.